CERN Accelerating science

IT Theses

Nyeste elementer:
Searches for New Physics in Top-Antitop Associated Production Processes and Mechanical Design and Thermal Performance of the CMS Inner Tracker Endcap Pixel Upgrade / Liechti, Sascha Pascal
Three analyses in top-antitop associated production processes are presented [...]
CERN-THESIS-2024-043 - : ZORA, 2024-04-24. - 151 p.

Detaljert visning - Lignende elementer
Studio di risonanze in stati finali in due leptoni nell’esperimento ATLAS al Large Hadron Collider / Rambelli, Lucrezia
CERN-THESIS-2019-448 - 61 p.

Detaljert visning - Lignende elementer
Novel algorithms based on AI acceleration for the High Level Trigger of the ATLAS experiment / Rambelli, Lucrezia
CERN-THESIS-2021-379 - 78 p.

Detaljert visning - Lignende elementer
The Evolution of Software Technologies to Support Large Distributed Data Acquisition Systems / Jones, Bob
A study of software technologies for the control and configuration of data acquisition systems for high energy physics experiments is presented [...]
CERN-THESIS-97-019 - 184 p.

Detaljert visning - Lignende elementer
Introduction to Directory Services / Heuse, Bernard
The Directory has grown to be an important OSI application as it acts as a focal point and general support for a number of other applications [...]
CERN-THESIS-88-001 - 222 p.

Detaljert visning - Lignende elementer
Deep Learning and Quantum Generative Models for High Energy Physics Calorimeter Simulations / Rehm, Florian
The aim of this thesis is to explore Deep Learning and Quantum Computing approaches to reduce the challenging computing resource requirements of future High Energy Physics detector simulations while maintaining the necessary accuracy [...]
CERN-THESIS-2023-222 10.18154/RWTH-2023-09302 ; - 306 p.

Detaljert visning - Lignende elementer
Application of machine learning techniques to improve the resolution of particle timing detectors / Kocot, Mateusz
This thesis investigates the use of machine learning techniques to improve the precision of timing measurements in the Precision Proton Spectrometer (PPS) at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [...]
CERN-THESIS-2023-217 - 67 p.

Detaljert visning - Lignende elementer
Scalable Data Processing Model of the ALICE Experiment in the Cloud / Loncar, Petra
This thesis proposes an optimisation strategy for scalable Big Data processing in a heterogeneous Cloud [...]
CERN-THESIS-2023-185 -

Detaljert visning - Lignende elementer
IT Architecture Design of a Future Data Analysis System for Particle Physics at CERN / Gosein, Domenic
High-energy physics, along with other natural sciences, face the challenge of de- veloping scalable data analysis systems to meet the increasing demand of new and upgraded experiments, while adhering to the important research topics of result preservation and reproducibility [...]
CERN-THESIS-2023-174 - 86 p.

Detaljert visning - Lignende elementer
Building a website to promote the CERN Academic Training lectures / Török, Franciska-Leonóra
CERN's Academic Training Lecture series include recordings and/or downloadable files of material allowing CERN users or interested parties to follow up these lectures through an online platform [...]
CERN-THESIS-2023-150 - Campus Horsens : VIA University College - UUID: c0648078-818b-40db-98f3-066b0ef38a2a, 2023-05-31. - 68 p.

Detaljert visning - Lignende elementer