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CERN Accelerating science


CERN Departments

Búsqueda por colección:
Physics (PH) (28,909)
Research & Computing Sector (149,580)
Theoretical Physics (TH) (15,941)
Information Technology (IT) (87,115)
Accelerators & Technology Sector (24,436)
Beams Department (BE) (1,850)
Engineering Department (EN) (801)
Technology Department (TE) (215)
International Relations (94,272)
Directorate Services Unit (DSU) (33,468)
Finance and Procurement (FP) (27,491)
Human Resources (HR) (1,682)
Finance and Administrative Processes (FAP) (81) [restringido]
Pension Fund (0)
Accelerator Systems Department (SY) (99)
Enfocado a:
Former Departments (14,651)