2025-01-14 06:59 |
Detaljnije - Slični zapisi
2025-01-14 06:59 |
Detaljnije - Slični zapisi
2025-01-14 06:59 |
Understanding the properties of the fireball with the polarization signature of thermal dileptons
/ Seck, Florian (Darmstadt, Tech. U.) ; Friman, Bengt (Darmstadt, GSI ; Darmstadt, Tech. U.) ; Galatyuk, Tetyana (Darmstadt, GSI ; Darmstadt, Tech. U.) ; van Hees, Hendrik (Frankfurt U. ; Helmholtz Res. Acad. Hesse for FAIR) ; Speranza, Enrico (CERN) ; Rapp, Ralf (Texas A-M) ; Wambach, Jochen (Darmstadt, Tech. U.)
Multi-differential measurements of dilepton spectra serve as a unique tool to characterize the properties of matter in the interior of the hot and dense fireball created in heavy-ion collisions. An important property of virtual photons is their spin polarization defined in the rest frame of the virtual photon with respect to a chosen quantization axis. [...]
2024 - 4 p.
- Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 296 (2024) 07009
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 30th Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2023), Houston, Texas, United States of America, 3 - 9 Sep 2023, pp.07009
Detaljnije - Slični zapisi
2025-01-14 06:59 |
Detaljnije - Slični zapisi
2025-01-14 06:59 |
Detaljnije - Slični zapisi
2025-01-14 05:05 |
Assessing the QGP speed of sound in ultra-central heavy-ion collisions with ALICE
/ Rueda, Omar Vazquez (Houston U. ; Valencia U., IFIC)
/ALICE Collaboration
Ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions produce a state of hot, dense, strongly interacting QCD matter known as quark-gluon plasma (QGP). On an event-by-event basis, the volume of the QGP in ultra-central collisions is mostly constant, while its total entropy can vary significantly, leading to variations in the temperature of the system. [...]
2024-12-17 - 6 p.
- Published in : PoS ICHEP2024 (2025) 600
Fulltext: 2409.20470 - PDF; document - PDF;
In : 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2024), Prague, Czech Republic, 18 - 24 Jul 2024, pp.600
Detaljnije - Slični zapisi
2025-01-11 06:11 |
Overview of the NA60+ experiment at the CERN SPS
/ Alocco, Giacomo (Cagliari U. ; INFN, Cagliari)
/NA60+ Collaboration
NA60+ is a new experiment designed to study the phase diagram of the strongly interacting matter at CERN SPS energies, where the values of the baryochemical potential μB approximately range between 200 and 550 MeV. It is focused on precision studies of thermal dimuons, heavy quarks, and strangeness production in Pb–Pb collisions at center of mass energies ranging from 6 to 17 GeV per nucleon pair. [...]
2024 - 4 p.
- Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 296 (2024) 08005
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 30th Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2023), Houston, Texas, United States of America, 3 - 9 Sep 2023, pp.08005
Detaljnije - Slični zapisi
2025-01-11 06:11 |
Commissioning and first collisions with the LHCb SMOG2 system
/ Mariani, Saverio (CERN)
/LHCb Collaboration
Owing to the injection of gas in the CERN LHC accelerator beampipe through the System for Measuring Overlap with Gas (SMOG), the LHCb experiment has been pioneering since 2015 fixed-target physics at the highest energy ever reached. Within the upgrade of the experiment, a confinement cell for the gas, SMOG2, and a new gas injection system were installed. [...]
2024 - 4 p.
- Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 296 (2024) 08003
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 30th Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2023), Houston, Texas, United States of America, 3 - 9 Sep 2023, pp.08003
Detaljnije - Slični zapisi
2025-01-11 06:11 |
Detaljnije - Slični zapisi
2025-01-10 04:13 |
Detaljnije - Slični zapisi