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Staff Association Ordinary General Assembly (OGA)

This year, the OGA will be held on Wednesday April 9, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., in room 774/R-013 in Prévessin exclusively in person. During the Ordinary General Assembly, the activity and financial reports of the SA are presented and submitted for approval to the members. This is a unique opportunity not only to gain an overview of the SA’s activities and management over the past year, but also to express one’s opinion by taking part in the voting process. Who can vote? >>

Interview du Président du Comité de Coordination des Clubs (CCC) – Michael Jaussi

Pouvez-vous vous présenter brièvement et nous parler de votre parcours personnel et professionnel ? >>

Conference Excellence at work, through the eyes of neuroscientists

Excellence at work, through the eyes of neuroscientists >>

Internal Justice Seminar – Thank You!

The Staff Association would like to sincerely thank the members of personnel who participated in the seminar on Internal Justice at CERN and its reform, which took place on February 18, 2025. >>

New offer - Alta Lumina

Exclusive 10 % discount for the Staff Association members. >>

CERN Dancing club

More information on >>