CHANGE@CERN:CERN under the microscope
Summaries of the Task Force reports are now available on the Web.Last November, in response to the increased cost to completion of the LHC project, the CERN Management set up five Task Forces to examine how the Laboratory could best economise and become more efficient. Each Task Force included an expert external to CERN, in addition to CERN personnel. In the course of their investigations, the teams not only consulted appropriate specialists, but also exchanged ideas between Task Forces. Most importantly, they also listened to you, notably through your suggestions submitted via the web. A total of 75 suggestions were submitted - the largest category (33%) being for personnel matters. Each suggestion was read by members of the relevant Task Force and taken into consideration in the preparation of their reports.
The Task Forces prepared final reports for the end of February. In this way, their findings could be taken into account in the Management's draft long-term plan, which was presented at the March committee meetings.
The summaries of the Task Force reports are now available on the CERN Users' web.
With their final reports, the Task Forces have completed their work, but the opportunity for you to make 'suggestions for change' continues, via the form on the Users' page.
The five Task Forces were set up to identify opportunities for economies and improved efficiency at CERN in the following areas: