THE CARE PROJECT - Coordinated Accelerator Research in Europe - Version Anglaise seulement

A one-day presentation of the project will take place on Monday February 10th in the CERN Council Chamber.
The meeting will start a 9am and is expected to end at 4:30pm.
The meeting, which is open to the whole community, will present an initiative on accelerator R&D in Europe, supported by ECFA, with the aim to bid for European Union support through the Framework 6 scheme.
This initiative is coordinated by a steering group (ESGARD - European Steering Group on Accelerator Research and Development), which has been set up to coordinate European efforts on accelerator R&D and the submission of such bids.
The initial bids have to be submitted by April 15th.

All those interested in accelerator R&D are welcome to attend.

Presentation of the CARE project
(Coordinated Accelerator Research in Europe)
to be submitted within FP6

February 10th, at CERN in the council room


Chair : C. Wyss
9:00 General presentation of FP6 and introduction of IA proposal (R. Aleksan)
9:45 Networking activities on e linear accelerator and collider (F. Richard)
10:10 Networking activities on the neutrino beams (V. Palladino)
10:35 Networking activities on the High-energy/High-intensity proton Beam (O. Bruning)
11:00 Discussion/questions (20mn)
11:20 Break

Chair : B. Foster
11:40 Joint Research Project on High Gradient Superconducting cavities (D. Proch)
12:05 Joint Research Project on Superconducting RF Technology (T. Garvey)
12:30 Joint Research Project on Photo-Injectors (G. Guignard)
12:55 Lunch

Chair : M. Spiro
14:15 Joint Research Project on High Intensity Proton Pulsed Injector (A. Mosnier, TBC)
14:40 Joint Research Project High Field Magnet (A. Devred)
15:05 Joint Research Project on Accelerator Remote control/operation (F. Willeke)
15:30 Future propositions for FP6 (R. Aleksan)
15:45 Discussion/questions
16:15 Adjourn