Original: English
La version française de cet article paraîtra dans le prochain Bulletin hebdomadaire.

These meetings were devoted to the main topics summarised below.

1-Follow-up of the meetings of TREF in October and the Finance Committee in November, and preparation for the Committee meetings in December
The Chairman reported that the Management's proposals to adjust, on 1 January 2004, the salaries by 1.1%, on the basis of the calculated salary index, and the pensions by 0.7%, corresponding to the Geneva cost-of-living index, had received the support of TREF and would now be proposed by the Finance Committee for approval by Council in December. TREF had taken note of a factual status report regarding the first phase of recruitment of Local Staff and looked forward to a final report on overall implementation in June next year. TREF also gave its support to the Management's proposed modification to the Progressive Retirement Programme. Subject to some amendments and clarifications made at TREF and at the SCC, this proposal will be submitted for approval at the Finance Committee and Council in December, to take effect on 1 January 2004.

2-Local Staff
At its meetings in November and December, the Committee took note of status reports on the recruitment programme regarding Local Staff. It noted with satisfaction that the first series of recruitments concerning positions for technicians and tradesmen (mechanics) has progressed according to plan and that the recruitment process has now been launched for the second series concerning administrative/secretarial positions, which should be filled in the first part of next year.
However, at the November meeting of the SCC, the Staff Association raised objections about various implementation aspects of this programme, which in their opinion would lead to not respecting the agreed understanding between Management and Staff Association on some fundamental objectives. In assessing the overall situation at the SCC in December, the Staff Association maintained this complaint concerning, in particular, the distribution of Local Staff positions between career paths A and B, and between short-term (‘limited-duration') and longer-term (‘fixed-term') employment contracts. The Chairman took note, with regret, of this divergence between the parties which is the object of further discussion.

The Committee discussed on the basis of a report on the 2003 MAPS exercise prepared by the Sub-Group on Monitoring MAPS (MoMAPS) and of a presentation of information concerning the combined 2002/2003 exercises. Lengthy discussions took place on which diverging conclusions were drawn from the information by the two parties.
The Staff Association expressed the opinion that, as the conditions were not met to permit a global review of all aspects of the scheme, including the Appraisal Report form, they could not enter into discussion of preparing the 2004 exercise, where they consider that improvements are needed to increase transparency and comprehension of the staff. Consequently, the Staff Association proposed to take up this discussion with the new Management in January next year.
The Chairman taking note of this situation, with regret, stated that it was imperative to decide on the Appraisal Report form so that the 2004 exercise could be launched according to schedule. Finally, it was concluded that the amended version of the form proposed by the Staff Association and that proposed by the Management would be submitted as soon as possible for arbitration by the Director-General*

4-Annual Report by the Medical Service
Dr. V. Fassnacht, Head of the Medical Service, presented its annual activity report and responded to various questions and comments. She pointed out that, whilst the state of health of the staff can be generally considered as corresponding to that of the population in the local area, there are indications that problems linked to stress, psychological disorders and alcohol consumption are on the increase.
Thanking Dr. Fassnacht, the Chairman noted that the Medical Service had taken action following improvements recommended by the external auditors regarding medical examinations after long sickness absence, and that the CCP Sub-Group on the prevention of alcohol abuse had recently been reactivated. It was concluded that Dr. Fassnacht would be invited to present this report to the Management Board.

5-CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) - Confidential declaration of family situation
Dr. S. Weisz, Chairman of the CHIS Board, recalled that, at the SCC last September, he had raised suggestions of the Board aimed at improving the updating and monitoring of declarations by CHIS members concerning their family situation. The Committee then took note of his presentation of a document setting out the related changes required to the CHIS rules and procedures.
Thanking Dr. Weisz, the Chairman concluded that the SCC supports the proposals by the CHISB on this matter, which would result in welcome simplifications and streamlining. It was agreed to maintain the target date for implementation of 1 April 2004, subject to any adjustments that might be needed for full automation of the processes involved.

6-Voluntary Programmes
The SCC took note of a status report on the generally stable situation of these programmes. The Progressive Retirement Programme is currently valid until 31 March 2004 and its extension will be examined early next year. Statistics concerning the Saved Leave Scheme show that some persons are now reaching almost a year's saved leave. It was agreed that this situation merits further careful analysis, which will also be made as soon as possible next year. Regarding the part-time scheme as a pre-retirement measure, it was agreed to recommend to the Director-General to extend it for one year, i.e. until 1 January 2005 inclusive.

7-Equal Opportunities Officer
The Chairman announced that the Director-General has nominated Josi Schinzel as the Organization's Equal Opportunities Officer, replacing Sudeshna Datta-Cockerill, with effect from 1 November 2003.

The next meeting of the SCC is to be held on 12 December 2003

* Following arbitration by the Director-General on 8 December, he decided to retain the Management's proposal.