The 2004 Latsis Symposium: Quantum optics for Communication and Computing

1-3 March 2004

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Auditoire SG1

The field of Quantum Optics covers topics that extend from basic physical concepts, regarding the quantum description of light, matter, and light-matter interaction, to the applications of these concepts in future information and communication technologies.
This field is of primary importance for science and society for two reasons. Firstly, it brings a deeper physical understanding of the fundamental aspects of modern quantum physics. Secondly, it offers perspectives for the invention and implementation of new devices and systems in the fields of communications, information management and computing.
The themes that will be addressed in the Latsis Symposium on Quantum Optics are quantum communications, quantum computation, and quantum photonic devices. The objective of the symposium is to give an overview of this fascinating and rapidly evolving field. The different talks will establish links between new fundamental concepts and experimental realisations. This will also be an ideal forum to bring together young researchers and leading scientists in the field.
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