A close-up on laboratory visitors

"Inside the Big Black Box" is a European survey of responses by visitors to five laboratories, including CERN. Its findings will be presented at a two-day meeting to be held at CERN on 29 and 30 March.

Can the visits programme of a research laboratory, such as a particle physics laboratory, satisfy the public's curiosity? What are the impressions of visitors to such laboratories? "Inside the Big Black Box" (IN3B), a study sponsored by the European Commission, provides the answers to these previously unanswered questions. The results of this survey, conducted among 4000 visitors to five laboratories (CERN in Switzerland, LNGS in Italy, Demokritos in Greece and DESY and Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany), will be presented at a meeting hosted by CERN on 29 and 30 March.

The detailed programme and a registration form for those wishing to attend can be found at: http://www.cern.ch/info/IN3B.

Visitors to the DESY laboratory inside the hall of the TESLA (Tera Electron Volt, Energy, Superconducting, Linear, Accelerator) Test Facility.