P3 and P4 car parksat Geneva Airport
The Swiss Permanent Mission in Geneva has asked us to remind the persons concerned of the following rules, laid down by the Geneva Diplomatic Committee (http://www.eda.admin.ch/geneva_miss/f/home/role/cdgen.p.html), concerning the facilities granted for the parking of vehicles with diplomatic number plates at Geneva International Airport (see the Official News section of Bulletin No. 45/2001):
a) P3 car park on the Departures level
- Vehicles bearing Swiss or French diplomatic number plates are authorised to park in Car Park P3 for one hour free of charge.
- The white entrance ticket entitles the holder to 15 minutes' free parking.
- If the period of stay is between 15 minutes and one hour, the persons concerned should go to the 'Centre de Contrôle? on the Arrivals level, which is open 24 hours a day, where they will be able to exchange their white entrance ticket for a pink exit ticket free of charge; they will be required to present their B or C-type carte de légitimation or, if they do not enjoy diplomatic status but are on official business, the permis de circulation of the vehicle bearing Swiss diplomatic number plates.
b) P4 car park on the Arrivals level
- The free P4 car park is exclusively reserved for vehicles bearing Swiss diplomatic number plates. No other vehicles will be tolerated there, irrespective of the driver's status.
- Parking on the P4 car park is authorised from 6.00 a.m. to midnight every day, solely for the purposes of airport business.
Furthermore, the head of the Geneva International Security Police has informed CERN that the checks carried out on the P4 car park will be stepped up in response to numerous complaints from users: fines will be issued for vehicles parked at night or outside the designated parking spaces.
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by Relations with the Host States Service