Technical Training: Places available

The number of places available may vary. Please check our Web site to find out the current availability.

Places are available in the following courses:

size="2">23 - 25.2.2005
The JAVA Programming Language Level 1: 11 & 12.1.2005 (2 days)
Introduction to XML : 13 & 14.1.2005 (2 days)
The CERN EDMS for Local Administrators: 19 & 20.1.2005 (2 days - free course)
Programmation Unity-Pro pour utilisateurs de Schneider PL7-Pro : 24 - 28.1.2005 (8 demi-journées)
LabVIEW base 1/basics 1 : 31.1 - 1.2.2005 (2 j size="2">LabVIEW base 2/basics 2 : 3 & 4.2.2005 (2 jours/2 days - langue à décider/language to be decided)
Finite State Machines in the JCOP Framework: 1 - 3.2.2005 (3 days - free course)
The JAVA Programming Language Level 2: 7 - 9.2.2005 (3 days)
C++ Programming Advanced -Traps and Pitfalls: 8 - 11.2.2005 (4 days)
Joint PVSS JCOP Framework: 14 - 18.2.2005 (5 days)
JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 1: WEB Applications: 21 & 22.2.2005 (3 days)
C++ for Particle Physicists : 7 - 11.3.2005 (6 X 3-hour lectures)
High-Speed Digital PCB Design: 14 - 16.3.2005 (3 days)
LabVIEW intermediate 1 : 11 - 13.4.2005 (3 days)
LabVIEW intermediate 2 : 14 & 15.4.2005 (2 days)

Monique Duval 74924

by Monique Duval