Housing Service: Receptions of the CERN and St.-Genis-Pouilly Hostels

Opening times

Please note the new and definitive opening times of the Receptions of the hostels on the Swiss site of CERN and in St. Genis :

CERN hostels St.-Genis hostel
from Monday to Friday 7:30 - 19:30 8:00 - 12:00
16:00 - 19:00
Saturday 9:00 - 13:00 closed
Sunday 9:00 - 13:00 closed

Outside these times keys to rooms reserved in advance can be obtained from the guards on duty at the main entrance to the Meyrin, Switzerland, CERN site (Gate B), where they are deposited some fifteen minutes after the closure of the Reception.

As for the St. Genis hostel, for arrivals on Saturdays and Sundays, the keys are deposited with the guards in advance on the preceding Friday evening.

Reminder : reservations, whether for the CERN hostels or the St. Genis hostel, are available through the Reception of the CERN hostels. Once the reservation has been confirmed, in the case of St. Genis, all other business, including payment, is dealt with by the St. Genis hostel reception.

As far as possible, all requests for reservations, enquiries etc. should be made by e-mail :

for accommodation in the hostels : Cern.Hostel@cern.ch

for other types of accommodation : Housing.Service@cern.ch