CERN Accelerating science



 english | français

The first link in the great chain

The very first interconnection has now been made between two cryomagnets for the LHC. The 1,700 interconnections for the whole collider will require 123,000 separate welding and assembly operations. >>

CERN Relay Race: the Shabbys win again, this time with music

The Shabbys definitely seem unbeatable. They won the CERN Relay Race for the fifth consecutive year by a comfortable margin (picture below). >>

Historic physics reprints come home

In a surprise happy ending, six boxes of historic reprints have returned home to CERN - more than 30 years after they went missing! The 146 items had been part of the personal library of the Nobel prize-winning physicist, Wolfgang Pauli. >>

Medical Service: 40 years of outpatient care

On 1st June 2005 the Medical Service will be celebrating its fortieth birthday. This will mark forty years of service to the health of CERN's personnel by the Medical Service's small team of doctors, nurses, laboratory assistants and secretaries. >>

Pourquoi les étoiles brillent-elles ? - French version only

Quelles réalités se cachent derrière des mots mystérieux comme pulsars ou trous noirs ? Les 8 et 9 juin, l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) et l'Université de Genève (UniGE) organisent des conférences sur l'astrophysique destinées au grand public. >>

Einstein dans l'Univers - French version only

Dans le cadre de l'Année internationale de la physique, la section de physique de l'Université de Genève organise une série de conférences pour les non-initiés. >>

Discovery Mondays: Transporting tonnes of equipment with millimetre precision

Transporting huge, very heavy but also frequently fragile items at CERN often presents a real challenge. >>

Université de Genève - Colloque de physique : Atomes ultrafroids - French version only

... >>

Training and Development

Technical Training: Places available  
Academic Training: The ITER project: technological challenges  
Academic Training: String Theory  
Language Training: French course for beginners  

General Information

Search and localisation of CERN buildings  
Renovation of the facades of buildings 11, 12, 13 and 14  
Network interruptions  
Revised Safety Code A2  
Remerciements - French version only  
Picnic zone booking at Prévessin site  
Industrial radiographies  
Mail Office  
Telephone Service  
ACCU Meeting  
For information - Geneva University: The search for the QCD phase transition / SEMINAIRE ANNULE ! ! !