CERN Accelerating science



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This is not a simulation!

The ATLAS barrel tile calorimeter has recorded its first events underground using a cosmic ray trigger, as part of the detector commissioning programme. >>

Last cast for the LHC

The first major contract signed for the LHC is drawing to a close. Belgian firm Cockerill Sambre (a member of the Arcelor Group) has just completed production of 50,000 tonnes of steel sheets for the accelerator's superconducting magnet yokes, in what has proved to be an exemplary partnership with CERN. >>

Mirror, mirror on the wall

RICH 2, one of the two Ring Imaging Cherenkov detectors of the LHCb experiment, is being prepared to join the other detector elements ready for the first proton-proton collisions at LHC. >>

Visits from two ministers

Two ministers have recently paid visits to CERN. On 30 June, Mosibudi Mangena, South Africa's Minister for Science and Technology, was welcomed by CERN's Chief Scientific Officer, Jos Engelen. >>

Training and Development

Summer Students  
Technical Training: Places available  

General Information

Looking for  
Reminder: call 74444 also in case of a medical emergency  
Important notice for Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 computers  
Carlson Wagonlit Travel  
Décès - French version only  
Hommage - French version only  
The IT user support bookshop is moving and diversifying  
Work in the vicinity of the Ferney customs  
Dosimetry Service  
Mail Office  

Staff Association

Happy holidays