CERN Accelerating science



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Cryogenics bringing the temperature down, underground

The first 600m of the LHC cryogenic distribution line (QRL), which will feed the accelerator's superconducting magnets, has passed initial validating tests of its mechanical design at room and cryogenic temperatures. >>

CERN receives prestigious Milestone recognition from IEEE

At a ceremony on 26 September at the Globe of Science and Innovation, Mr W. Cleon Anderson, President of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) formally dedicated Milestone plaques recognising the invention of electronic particle detectors at CERN. >>

Einsteins of the future on a visit to CERN?

In 1896 a 17-year-old named Albert Einstein joined ETH Zurich. Here, he was to spend the next four years building the foundation for his brave new vision of the physical world. >>

Digital networks to aid research and education in Africa

Around 120 participants were assembled over two days at CERN to discuss ways to bridge the digital divide with Africa. >>

Literature in focus: A Berlin Romance

The CERN staff have many hidden talents. Who knows, maybe a colleague you see every day is actually a virtuoso violinist, an accomplished sportsman or an internationally renowned collector. >>

CERN and the Festival of Science

La Fête de la science (Festival of Science) in France has become an unmissable event, where researchers and the general public meet each other amid microscopes and computers. >>

Discovery Mondays - Gases: more to them than meets the eye!

We generally tend to think that if a space is empty there is nothing in it. However, did you know that at the Earth's surface there are 25 million million million (1018) molecules of gas in every cubic centimetre of atmosphere? At CERN, gases are put to multiple uses. >>

Official News

Confidential Declaration of Family Situation (CDFS)  
Negative leave balances  
Annual General Asssembly  
Some aspects of the Fund's activities in 2004  

Training and Development

Technical Training: Places available  
Safety Training: Basic Safety and Access Courses  
Academic Training: Einstein and beyond: Introduction to General relativity  
Academic Training: Surviving in space: the challenges of a manned mission to Mars  
Language training  
Management and Communication programme  

General Information

CERN diabetes awareness days  
Note from the CERN Medical Service  
19e édition à la piscine des Vernets épreuve ouverte à tous - French version only  
Dosimetry Service  
France at CERN  
Radioactive material Import/Export service  
Radioactive sources service  
Thieves with no remorse on the CERN site