Italy at CERN

15 - 17 November 2005
Main Building
Bldg 60 - ground and 1st floor
09:00 - 17:30

Twenty-six companies will present their latest technology at the "Italy at CERN" exhibition. Italian industry will exhibit products and technologies which are related to the field of particle physics.

The main subjects are: electrical engineering, electronics, logistics, mechanical engineering, vacuum and low-temperature technology.


The exhibition is being organised by the INFN in Padua.

The exhibitors are listed below.


A detailed programme will be available in due course :


  1. Ansaldo Superconduttori Spa
  2. CAEN Spa
  3. CECOM Snc
  4. Consorzio Canavese Export
  5. CPE Italia Spa
  6. Criotec Impianti Srl
  7. CTE Sistemi Srl
  8. Carpenteria S. Antonio Spa
  9. E.E.I. Equipaggiamenti Elettronici Industriali
  10. Elettronica Conduttori Srl
  11. Goma Elettronica Spa
  12. ICAR Spa
  13. Intercond Spa
  14. Kenotec Srl
  15. Ocem Spa
  16. Outokumpu Spa
  17. Promec Srl
  18. Galli Morelli Snc
  19. R.E.M. Elaborazione Elettronica Srl
  20. Renco Spa
  21. Rial Vacuum Spa
  22. Rotfil Srl
  23. SAES Getters Spa
  24. Simic Spa
  25. Strumenti Scientifici Cinel Srl
  26. Varian Spa

Exhibition organiser:


Università degli Studi
INFN Sezione di Padova
Dip. Di Fisica 'G. Galilei'
Via F. Marzolo, 8
I - 35131 Padova


Professor Sandro Centro
Tel.: +39-049-827-7079
Fax: + 39-049-827-7102