IT Services Availability during the CERN Annual Closure 2005

Mail, CERN Windows (NICE), Web services, LXPLUS, LXBATCH, AFS, the automated tape devices, Castor, CDS Search, Submit and Agenda, InDiCo, EDMS (in collaboration with TS Department), Campus Network, Remedy, and Security services will be available during the CERN annual closure. All production databases will remain available (but not development databases such as devdb and devdb10). Problems occuring on scheduled services should be addressed within about half a day, except around Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (24 and 25 December) and New Year's Eve and New Year's Day (31 December and 1st January).

As far as administrative computings services are concerned, ERT (Electronic Recruitment Tool) and PPT (Project Progress Tracking) for EGEE will be the only operational services; all other AIS applications such as EDH, CET, HRT, etc. will be unavailable from Wednesday 21/12 12:00 to Thursday 5/01/2005 8:00.

The CERN LCG Production Services will be run on a 'best effort” basis. All other services (such as the licence servers, the Audio Conferencing System, the Windows Terminal Services, Euclid/Catia..) will be left running with reduced coverage. No interruptions are scheduled but restoration of the service in case of failure cannot be guaranteed.

Please note that the Helpdesk will be closed and that, although the backup service will be operational, backups cannot be guaranteed and file restores will not be possible. Damaged tapes in Castor will not be processed.

An operator service will be maintained throughout and can be reached at extension 75011 or by email ( for urgent problems.

Please remember to shut down and switch off any equipment in your office which is not foreseen to be used during the annual closure.