Pour information : Université de Genève

Département de physique de la matière condensée
Quai Ernest-Ansermet 24
CH-1211 Genève 4
Tél. 022 379 65 11 - Fax 022 379 68 69

Mercredi 14 décembre
Colloque exceptionnel
17h00 - Auditoire: Grand Auditoire

A Possible Solution to the High Temperature Superconducivity Phenomena
Professor Chandra Varma / Department of physics, University of California Riverside

The intense effort on the solution of the high Tc problem (over 105 papers in 18 years) has led to remarkable new ideas which will affect future developments not just in condensed matter physics but all of physics. There may now exist a consistent microscopic theory which explains the universal features of the phase diagram of the Cuprates and whose principal predictions have been experimentally verified. This theory draws on an assimilation of the wide ranging experiments on the Cuprates to formulate a phenomenology. The phenomenology is used to formulate a microscopic theory which in turn draws on aspects ranging from solid state chemistry and many body physics to field theory.

Pour plus de détails voir :

Organisé par : Prof. Dirk van der Marel