Formation Management et Communication : calendrier des cours prévus de janvier à juin 2006
Le nombre de places disponibles peut varier. Veuillez consulter notre site Web pour avoir la dernière mise à jour. Titres | Date 1er semestre 2006 | Langue | CDP for Section Leaders - part 1 | 18, 19, 20 January | English | CDP pour chefs de section - part 1 | 23, 24, 25 janvier | Français | Project Management | 24, 25, 26 January | Bilingual | CDP for Section Leaders - part 1 | 25, 26, 27 January | English | Communicating to Convince | 1, 2 February | Bilingual | Communicating effectively - residential | 1, 2, 3 February | Bilingual | CDP pour chefs de section - part 2 | 7, 8 mars | Français | CDP for Group Leaders - part 1 | 7, 8, 9 March | Bilingual | CDP for Section Leaders - part 2 | 16, 17 March | English | CDP for Section Leaders - part 1 | 21, 22 March | English | Managing Teams | 3, 4 April | English | Quality Management | 20, 21 April | English | Managing by project | 25, 26 April | English | Personal Awarness & Impact | 9, 10, 11 May | Bilingual | Introduction to Leadership | 10, 11, 12 May | English | Leadership Competencies | 14, 15, 16 June | Bilingual | CDP for Group Leaders - part 2 | 19, 20, 21 June | Bilingual | Personal Awarness & Impact - Follow-up | 19, 20 June | Bilingual | Risk Management | 22, 23 June | English | Titres | Date 1er semestre 2006 | Langue | Techniques d'exposé et de présentation | 24, 25 janvier + 6 mars | Français | Communiquer efficacement | 30, 31 janvier + 9, 10 mars | Français | Communicating Effectively | 7, 8 March + 18, 19 April | English | Animer ou participer à une réunion de travail | 7, 8, 9 mars | Français | Communicating effectively in your team | 20, 21 April | English | Personal Awarness & Impact | 9, 10, 11 May | Bilingual | Personal Awarness & Impact - Follow-up | 19, 20 June | Bilingual | Négociation efficace | A fixer | Franç ais | Negotiating effectively | To be fixed | English |
Management & Communication programme Sudeshna.datta.cockerill@cern.ch Nathalie.dumeaux@cern.ch MANAGEMENT & COMMUNICATION Nathalie Dumeaux 78144 management.communication@cern.ch
par Nathalie Dumeaux