For Information: CERN-Fermilab2006 Hadron Collider Physics Summer School
Applications are Now Open for the
CERN-Fermilab2006 Hadron Collider Physics Summer School
August 9-18, 2006
Please go to the school web site
and follow the links to the Application process. The APPLICATION DEADLINE IS APRIL 8, 2006. Successful applicants and support awards will be announced shortly thereafter.
Also available on the web is the tentative academic program of the school.
The main goal of the CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer Schools is to offer students and young researchers a broad picture of both the theoretical and experimental aspects of hadron collider physics. The emphasis of the first school will be on the physics potential of the first years of data taking at the LHC, and on the experimental and theoretical tools needed to exploit that potential. A series of lectures and informal discussions will include an introduction to the theoretical and phenomenological framework of hadron collisions, and current theoretical models of frontier physics, as well as an overview of the main detector components, the initial calibration procedures and physics samples, and early LHC results. Explicit examples of physics analyses drawn from the current Tevatron experience will help inform these exchanges.
Jeff Appel and Bogdan Dobrescu
Co-Directors of the First School