Enseignement académique - LHC luminosity upgrade: detector challenges


13, 14, 15, March, from 11:00 to 12:00 - 16 March from 10:00 to 12:00
Main Auditorium, bldg. 500 on 14, 15 March, Council Room on 13, 16 March

LHC luminosity upgrade: detector challenges

A. De Roeck / CERN-PH, D. Bortoletto / Purdue Univ. USA, R. Wigmans / Texas, Tech Univ. USA, W. Riegler / CERN-PH, W. Smith / Wisconsin Univ. USA

The upgrade of the LHC machine towards higher luminosity (1035 cm-2s-1) has been studied over the last few years. These studies have investigated scenarios to achieve the increase in peak luminosity by an order of magnitude, as well as the physics potential of such an upgrade and the impact of a machine upgrade on the LHC DETECTORS.

This series of lectures will cover the following topics:

  • Physics motivation and machine scenarios for an order of magnitude increase in the LHC peak luminosity (lecture 1)
  • Detector challenges including overview of ideas for R&D programs by the LHC experiments: tracking and calorimetry, other new detector developments (lectures 2-4)
  • Electronics, trigger and data acquisition challenges (lecture 5)

 Note: the much more ambitious LHC energy upgrade will not be covered

Françoise Benz 73127

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par Françoise Benz