New series of Oracle tutorials, May-June 2006 - Version Anglaise seulement
The IT DES Oracle Support team is pleased to announce the new series of Oracle tutorials with the proposed schedule:
Thursday 11 May
Tuning - Michal Kwiatek
Thursday 1 June
PL/SQL I - Eva Dafonte Perez
Thursday 8 June
PL/SQL II - Nilo Segura
Thursday 15 June
Oracle Tools and Bindings with languages - Eric Grancher, Nilo Segura
These tutorials will take place in the IT Auditorium (bldg. 31/3-004) starting at 10:00. The average duration will be 1 hour plus time for questions. There is no need to register in advance. You can access the previous 2002-2003 sessions at
If you need more information, please contact