Formation en langues

General and Professional French Courses

The next session will take place from 8 May to 30 June (or 7 July) 2006. These courses are open to all persons working on the CERN site, and to their spouses.

For registration and further information on the courses, please consult our Web pages:

or contact Mrs. Benz : Tel. 73127.

Writing Professional Documents in French

The next session will take place from 10 April to 19 June 2006. This course is designed for people with a good level of spoken French.

Duration: 24 hours

Price: 528 CHF (for 8 students)

For further information and registration, please consult our Web pages:

or contact Mrs. Benz : Tel. 73127.

Françoise Benz 73127

par Françoise Benz