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Gassing up the LHC experiments

ALICE TPC gas system is the first of the LHC experiments to be put on line. >>

Grid attacks avian flu

During April, a collaboration of Asian and European laboratories analysed 300,000 possible drug components against the avian flu virus H5N1 using the EGEE Grid infrastructure. >>

ATLAS rewards industry

Showing excellence in mechanics, electronics and cryogenics, three industries are honoured for their contributions to the ATLAS experiment. >>

Urban Utopias at the Globe

Since 19 May, the ground floor of the Globe has been housing a contemporary art exhibition. Meyrin's Contemporary Art Fund Committee has given six artists free rein to think up projects for the area surrounding the Globe, which is still a blank canvas. >>

Official News

Procedure for obtaining visas for Switzerland and France  
Procedure for obtaining visas for Switzerland and France  
Obligation to furnish information  
Statistics regarding the concerted work stoppage of 28 April 2006  
Governing Board of the Pension Fund  

Training and Development

Academic Training - Pulsed SC Magnets  
Technical training: Comprehensive VHDL for FPGA Design' and 'Introduction au VHDL et utilisation du simulateur NCVHDL de CADENCE' course sessions, May-June 2006  
Technical training - Places available  

General Information

Information for stores users  
Service for the Import/Export of radioactive material  
Alexander SMIRNITSKIY 1951-2006  
ACCU Meeting  
Radiation protection Group (SC/RP) desperately seeking...  
Transport service  
Communication from Restaurant No. 1  
Information from the SC/RP/RW section  
Mail Office  
Note from the radioprotection group's shipping service  
External meeting: Geneva University