Statistics regarding the concerted work stoppage of 28 April 2006

Following the concerted work stoppage of Friday, 28 April, HR Department sent out a questionnaire to all staff members in order to determine the number of those who participated.

Questionnaires sent out : 2665
Staff members asked not to return the questionnaire:
(on official duty/special leave/sick leave/annual leave)
of which, those who took one day only of annual leave
linked to the weekend of 1st May
Staff members called upon to perform their duties: -217
Total number of forms expected to be returned 1442

It was presumed that all those who had not returned their forms had not taken part in the work stoppage. After a count and verification of the questionnaires (returned up to 11 May) together with a representative of the Staff Association, the results are the following:

Those who specifically indicated that they took part in the concerted work stoppage: 166 11.5% YES
Non-participation 1276 88.5% NO
of which, those who wanted to indicate that they did not take part
in the concerted work stoppage:

by HR Department