CERN Accelerating science



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CMS installations are put to the test

CMS has just undergone two important tests: a spectacular test of the fire extinguishing system in the underground cavern (photo) and, on the surface, a strength test on the plug over the main shaft, which will bear the weight of the detector components when they are lowered into the CMS hall. >>

A Word from the DG: Preparing the strategy for European particle physics

Particle physics is an increasingly globalized field, with the LHC marking the turning point from regional to world-wide organization. >>

The PS will soon be back in operation

The PS's power supply system is undergoing repairs for the accelerator to restart on 26 June. >>

LEIR commissioning successfully completed

An important milestone has been passed in the preparation of the injector complex to supply ions to the LHC experiments. >>

QRL closes the circle

Installation began on the last sector of the cryogenic distribution line (QRL) about three weeks ahead of the revised schedule. >>

CERN-Fermilab summer school is smash hit

A new joint CERN-Fermilab summer school is proving more popular than the organizers ever imagined. >>

CERN at the Post Office

In collaboration with CERN and the Conseil général de l'Ain, the French postal services of the Pays de Gex have released a new set of pre-paid envelopes paying tribute to CERN. >>

CERN Relay Race: The Shabbys again, but only just!

The sun was shining as the start was given for this year's CERN Relay Race with a record 65 teams at the starting line. >>

Official News

Obligation to furnish information  
Procedure for obtaining visas for Switzerland and France  

Training and Development

Academic Training - Exploring Planets and Moons in our Solar System  
Academic Training - Technological challenges of CLIC  
Technical Training: Places available  

General Information

Revised Safety Instruction 4 (IS4 REV.)  
External Conference: Geneva University  
ACCU Meeting  
Information for stores users  
Update of telephone exchange  
Radioactive sources service  
Service for the import/export of radioactive material  
Technical presentation: BGM Cryogenic Engineering Limited  
Europython 2006  
External conference: Geneva University  
Grand Théâtre de Genève - French version only