ELECTIONS - Pension Fund
ELECTIONS - Pension Fund
This candidature has been duly registered and is hereby presented in accordance with paragraph 6.h of the Regulations for Elections to the Governing Board of the Pension Fund.

First name: Michel
Name: Goossens
The CERN/ESO Pension Fund represents, for most staff, the sole source of income when they retire. The health of our Pension Fund is thus of the utmost importance to ensure the payment of pensions up to the death of the last beneficiary.
The 2003 actuarial review showed a large deficit and several corrective measures have already been taken. The next months will see the results of the 2006 actuarial review. We hope they will show that the measures taken last year are going in the right direction. However, we must remain proactive since further measures will no doubt be necessary. New and imaginative proposals must be prepared and discussed in the widest possible forum, by regular direct contact with staff and retirees, or in working groups via their representatives. This will ensure that a globally acceptable solution is reached, with the burden being shared between generations (active staff and retirees).
Since our Pension Fund has reached maturity, with the level of benefits paid to retirees exceeding contributions by active staff, the investment portfolio (ratio of fixed return versus more variable assets) must be managed more dynamically. Nevertheless, particular attention must be given to preferring ethical investments and keeping the risk factor at acceptable levels.
As president of the Staff Association in 2003/2004 and member of the Governing Board of the Pension Fund, I have been involved in these issues, in particular the 2003 actuarial review. I have continued to work actively as a member of the Staff Association's permanent Committee for Pension matters. If elected, I shall continue to work closely with the Staff Association on all matters coming before the Board. My main course of action will be to listen, inform, discuss, propose any necessary new measures, review the results, and adjust them when necessary. I am counting on your support to achieve these aims which should increase accountability, and promote transparency.
ELECTIONS - Pension Fund
This candidature has been duly registered and is hereby presented in accordance with paragraph 6.h of the Regulations for Elections to the Governing Board of the Pension Fund.

First name: Henrik
Name: Vestergard
For the majority of us, the CERN Pension Fund will be our only source of income for our retirement.
Following the recent problems concerning the long-term balance of the CERN Pension Fund and my experience in the CERN Staff Association, where I am a member of the Standing Commission on Pensions, I am standing for election to the CERN Governing Board of the Pension Fund.
For me it is essential that our Fund remains in good health for a period of at least forty years, so that the younger staff members are guaranteed a pension when their time comes.
If I am elected, I undertake to work on all measures which may improve the health of our Pension Fund.
Whether the measures envisaged are popular or less popular (increase in contributions, the retirement age, years of contribution etc.), I will do all I can to ensure that the effort required is fairly distributed between active staff, beneficiaries and the Organization.
As a first-time candidate for the Governing Board of the Pension Fund and fully aware of the very technical nature of the subjects dealt with, I have asked for and obtained the support of former members, who will give me the necessary assistance.
Thank you for your attention.