External meeting: Geneva University - Version Anglaise seulement

Université de Genève
Ecole de physique
24 quai Ernest Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
Tél : + 41 22 379 63 83 (secrétariat)
Tél : + 41 22 379 62 56 (réception)
Fax: + 41 22 379 69 22

Lundi 20 novembre 2006
17:00 - Auditoire Stückelberg
Electrical correlation measurements in quantum nano-structures
Dr. Stefan Oberholzer / Basel University

Measuring the current-voltage characteristics of small conductors is widely used to characterize their electronic transport properties. In addition to such time-averaged measurements, correlation measurements between temporal fluctuations (noise) around the time-averaged mean current provide us with very important supplementary information about electrical transport. In this talk, I review our experimental work on shot noise, noise which originates from the granularity of charge and the diffraction of the electronic wave-function, and especially address the fundamental relation between electronic scattering experiments and the statistical properties of indistinguishable quantum particles in nanoscopic structures.

More information: http://theory.physics.unige.ch/~fiteo/seminars/COL/collist.html