CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School

Applications are now open for the 2nd CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School, which will take place at CERN from 6 to 15 June 2007.

The school web site is with links to the academic program and application procedure.

The application deadline is 9 March 2007. The results of the selection process will be announced shortly thereafter.

The goal of the CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer Schools is to offer students and young researchers in high energy physics a concentrated syllabus on the theory and experimental challenges of hadron collider physics. The first school in the series, held last summer at Fermilab, covered extensively the physics at the Tevatron collider experiments. The second school to be held at CERN, will focus on the technology and physics of the LHC experiments. Emphasis will be given on the first years of data-taking at the LHC and on the discovery potential of the programme. The series of lectures will be  supported by in-depth discussion sessions and will include the theory and phenomenology of hadron collisions, discovery physics topics, detector and analysis techniques and tools, as well as the preparatory strategies of the experiments towards readiness for first collisions at the LHC.

The poster of the School is available at

Further inquiries should be directed to