ACCU Meeting - Version Anglaise seulement

DRAFT Agenda
for the meeting to be held
on Wednesday 7 March 2007
at 9:15 a.m. in room 60-6-002

Anyone wishing to raise any points under item 9 is invited to send them to the Chairman in writing or by e-mail to

Chris Onions (Secretary)

ACCU is the forum for discussion between the CERN Management and the representatives of CERN Users to review the practical means taken by CERN for the work of Users of the Laboratory. The User Representatives to ACCU are (CERN internal telephone numbers in brackets):

The CERN Management is represented by J. Engelen (Deputy Director-General and Chief Scientific Officer), S. Lettow (Chief Financial Officer) and J. Salicio Diez/PH with C. Onions/PH as Secretary. The Human Resources Department is represented by C. Parrinello and the CERN Staff Association by M. Goossens. Other members of the CERN staff attend as necessary for specific agenda items. Anyone interested in further information about ACCU is welcome to contact the appropriate representative, or the Chairman or Secretary (75039 or