CERN Accelerating science



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The last magnet on the bench

A ceremony was held on Thursday, 1st March, to commemorate the end of the cryostat assembly and cryogenic testing on the LHC super-conducting magnets. The team, consisting of CERN staff, several industrial support teams and a hundred guest engineers from India, have tested 2000 magnets over the last four years. >>

Looking back over the LHC Project

Have you always wanted to delve into the history of the phenomenal LHC Project? Well, now you can. A chronological history of the LHC Project is now available on the web. >>

Start of the big chill for the LHC

The cooling of Sector 7-8 of the LHC, the first to undergo the process, is under way to the 1.9 K necessary for superconductivity. During the night of 14 to 15 March, an important milestone was reached when the entire sector was cooled to 4.5 K, the temperature of liquid helium. >>

The European Framework Programme under way

The new European Framework Programme - FP7 - has recently started and will offer various possibilities for CERN to participate in EU co-funded projects for research and technological development. >>

A new dawn for CMS

Supported by a gigantic crane and a factory-size room full of enthusiasm, the central barrel of CMS made its final journey underground on 28 February. >>

German visits to CERN

On 21 February, Professor Frieder Meyer-Krahmer, State Secretary to Germany's Federal Ministry of Education and Research, came to CERN. >>

Discovery Mondays - 'The LHC: the answers to your questions'

Experts in the various fields associated with the LHC will answer all your questions, from the most sensible to the most far-fetched, at the next Discovery Monday. The event will be conducted in French. >>

Official News

Standing Concertation Commmittee  

Training and Development

Language Courses  

General Information

External meeting - Geneva University: Precision measurements in spin physics  
Relocation of the Dosimetry Service  
L'enjeu mondial des batteries au lithium - French version only  
Temporary work for children of members of the personnel  
On recherche  
Radioactive Sources Service  
Cleaning of work clothing