External meeting - Geneva University: Semileptonic and Radiative B-meson decays - Version Anglaise seulement

Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire
24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet
1211 GENEVE 4 - Tél : 022 379 62 73 - Fax: 022 379 69 92

Wednesday 4 April 2007
at 17:00 - Stückelberg Auditorium

Semileptonic and Radiative B-meson decays
by Dr Antonio Limosani / K2K, Japon

The success of the B Factories at KEK and SLAC has furthered our knowledge of CP violation, a necessary ingredient for the creation of a matter-dominanted universe. Ever increasing data samples has ushered in a new era of precision CP measurements, in which the unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix is examined for signs of New Physics. One of the crucial pieces of information, surprisingly, comes not from CP violation but from studies of semileptonic decays of the B mesons. I will discuss how various measurements of semileptonic and radiative B decays combine together to provide a precision measurement of the CKM matrix element |Vcb| and to determine the value of smallest CKM matrix element |Vub| and how such measurements depend upon progress in the theory of B decays.

Information: http://dpnc.unige.ch/seminaire/annonce.html
Organizer: J.-S. Graulich