To facilitate the processing of requests for minor electrical installation work to be carried out by the TS/EL group, a new procedure designed to improve contacts and exchange of information with customers has been set up.

The procedure comprises a check to determine whether the TS/EL or the TS/FM group is responsible for the area where the electrical work is to be done. If the work is to be performed by the EL group, an on-line request form must be completed.

The following steps must be completed:

  1. On a web browser, use the link
  2. In the left-hand menu choose
    ‘Demande de Travaux Electriques’
  3. Enter the building number to check which group to contact and click ‘FIND’

If the area is:

  • Under FM’s responsibility: Call 77777
  • Under EL’s responsibility: Click the link to the work form, complete it and send it (click ‘ENVOYER’)


This form is for minor electrical installation requests only.

Please call 72201 in the event of breakdowns.

TS/EL Group

by TS Department