Lecture programme The reality of science today

John Ellis (CERN): Gauguin’s questions in the context of particle physics.

John Ellis (CERN) will speak about:
Gauguin’s questions in the context of particle physics

In a famous painting, Paul Gauguin asked the universal and eternal questions: Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? In this lecture, John Ellis will comment on the prospects of particle physics in an attempt to provide elements of answers to these questions.

This is the second in the series of lectures organised by the History and Philosophy of Sciences Unit of Geneva University, in collaboration with ASPERA, the European network for astroparticle physics research, which began with a contribution from Dominique Pestre (EHESS and Centre Koyré, Paris).

What are the new challenges and realities facing research? What is its place in today’s society? In this series of lectures covering a range of topics, researchers and members of the general public are invited to think about the state of science today in terms of the laboratories and institutes involved in it, as well as funding policy and technological and legal implications.

Thursday, 31st January, 6.00 p.m. - Entrance is free, no reservation required
Sciences II, Auditorium A300 - Faculté des Sciences, Université de Genève - 30 quai Ernest-Ansermet
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