Compulsory registration of mail servers in order to accept e-mail from the Internet

This announcement is intended only for administrators of a mail server (sendmail, postfix, etc.). It concerns e-mails sent from the Internet to addresses of the following type:

Mail server managers are requested to register their servers so that they can accept e-mail from outside CERN. In future the CERN mail infrastructure will relay messages from outside CERN only to officially registered mail servers. This rule applies only to messages sent from the Internet. There will be NO change with respect to messages sent from inside CERN.

If you are responsible for a mail server that accepts e-mails from outside CERN, please read the following page:, where you can find information about the new rule and check if your host is already registered in the system.

If you wish to register a mail server please send a message to:

This rule will be gradually enforced from 20th February 2008 onwards. Thank you for your cooperation.

CERN Mail Services

by IT Department