CERN Technical Training: available Places in forthcoming Courses
The following course sessions are scheduled in the framework of the CERN Technical Training Program 2008 and places are still available. You may find the full updated Technical Training course program in our web-catalogue (
CERN EDMS Introduction (Français) 12.03 1 jour
Sharepoint Collaboration Worskpace (Français) 17-18.03 2 jours
CERN EDMS for Engineers (English) 20.03 1 day
CERN EDMS for Local Administrators (English) 27-28.03 1 day
Word 2007: Short course I: HowTo. work with AutoTasks (Bilingual) 31.03 0.5 day/jour
Word 2007: Short course II: HowTo mail merge (Bilingual) 31.03 0.5 day/jour
Excel 2007: Short course III: How to pivot tables (Bilingual) 01.04 0.5 day/jour
Excel 2007: Short course IV: How to link cells, worksheets and workbooks (Bilingual) 01.04 0.5 day/jour
CERN EDMS MTF en pratique (Français) 02.04 1 jour
In Design: Introduction (Français) 07-08.04 2 jours
Windows VISTA (Français) 04.04 1 jour
CERN EDMS MTF in practice (English) 09.04 0.5 day
Word 2007 : Niveau 1 ECDL (Français) 10-11.04 2 jours
Word 2007: Niveau 2 ECDL (Français) 28-29.04 2 jours
Excel 2007 – Niveau 2 ECDL (Français) 05-06.05 2 jours
Sharepoint Collaboration Worskpace (English) 18-20.05 2 days
Sharepoint Designer (Frontpage) – Level 1 ECDL (English) 29-30 may 2 days
JCOP Joint PVSS (English) 10-14.03 4 days
Python Hands-on Introduction (English) 26-28.03 3 days
ROXIE Workshop 2008 (English) 31.03 to 04-04 5 days
Java 2 Enterprise Edition: Part 2 Enterprise JavaBeans (English) 14-16.04 3 days
Oracle SQL (English) 16-18.04 3 days
Perl 5 Introduction (English) 17-18.04 2 days
JCOP – Finite State Machines (English) 22-24.04 3 days
XML Introduction (English) 05-06.05 2 days
JCOP Joint PVSS (English) 19-23 may 4 days
Perl 5 Advanced aspects (English) 30 may 1 day
Java – Level 1 (English) 27-29 may 3 days
LabVIEW Intermediaire 1 (Français) 10-12.03 3 jours
LabVIEW: Travailler efficacement avec LabVIEW 8 (Français) 17.03 1 jour
Introduction to CADENCE CAO : Du ConceptHDL au schema PCB (Français) 18-19.03 2 jours
Altium designer 6.0 – Foundation & Board Implementation (Français) 31.03-03.04 4 jours
LabVIEW FPGA cRIO (Français) 07-09.04 3 jours
LabVIEW Base 1 (Français) 05-07.05 3 jours
Siemens STEP 7 : Niveau 1 (Français) 06-09.05 4 jours
LabVIEW Base 2 (Français) 08-09.05 2 jours
LabVIEW Intermediaire 1 (Français) 14-16.05 3 jours
Siemens – Simatic Net Network (Français) 27-28.05 2 jours
AutoCAD 2006 – Niveau 1 (Français) 7-15.05 4 jours
Ansys DesignModeler (Français) 26-27.05 2 jours
If you are interested in attending any of the above course sessions, please talk to your supervisor and/or your DTO, and apply electronically via EDH from the course description pages that can be found at: under ‘Technical Training’ with the detailed course program.
Registration for all courses is always open – sessions for the less-requested courses are organized on a demand-basis only.
CERN Technical Training courses are open only to members of the CERN personnel (staff members and fellows; associates, students, users, project associates; apprentices: employees of CERN contractors, with some restrictions). In particular, quoted prices and programmes refer specifically to the CERN community.
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