Memorandum from the HR and FI Departments and the Legal Service concerning the 2007 income tax declaration

Since the French tax authorities have modified the tax declaration form, we recommend that you write your statement "Membre du personnel du CERN assujetti à l’impôt interne du CERN et, à ce titre, exonéré d’impôt sur les traitements et émoluments versés par le CERN" (member of the CERN personnel subject to internal CERN taxation and therefore exempt from taxation on the salary and emoluments paid by CERN) in section E "Renseignements complémentaires" rather than in the final section "Autres renseignements" as previously advised (cf. Bulletin CERN No. 18 and 19 – 28 April and 5 May 2008).

HR Department

Contact: 73903

by HR Department