SPAM: Beware of e-mails asking for passwords
CERN’s Computing Rules (Operational Circular No. 5) require that passwords remain confidential and never be given to anyone, not even helpdesk or other support personnel. If you think that your password could have been exposed then you must immediately change it.
Cybercriminals are making growing use of fake e-mail messages and Web sites to steal account and identity information from users. This technique is called ‘phishing’. The fake e-mails often look real and try to trick you into giving your password or other personal data. CERN has recently been targeted by a fake e-mail message which requested users to send their username, password and date of birth. This case was promptly blocked by the CERN Mail Service, but future cases may still occur. Users need to be vigilant regarding any requests for passwords or personal data. Fake e-mails should be immediately deleted. In case of questions on this topic, you may contact
CERN IT Department
by IT Department