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A PARTNERship for hadron therapy

PARTNER, the Particle Training Network for European Radiotherapy, has recently been awarded 5.6 million euros by the European Commission. The project, which is coordinated by CERN, has been set up to train researchers of the future in hadron therapy and in doing so aid the battle against cancer. >>

Success in the pipeline for CMS

The very heart of any LHC experiment is not a pixel detector, nor a vertex locator but a beam pipe. It is the site of each collision and the boundary where the accelerator and experiment meet. As an element of complex design and manufacture the CMS beam pipe was fifteen years in the making and finally fully installed on Tuesday 10 June. >>

The French Research Minister visits CERN

On Friday, 6 June, the French Minister for Higher Education and Research, Valérie Pécresse, was welcomed by CERN Director-General, Robert Aymar. >>

Ready, steady… relay!

Thursday 5 June. With another year comes another success for CERN’s Relay Race. With 76 teams taking part it was the second highest turnout in the race’s history. >>

Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants

Did you know that you can consult articles from the first ever issues of the Zeitschrift für Physik published in 1920 and the Physical Review written in 1893 without even having to leave your office? The CERN Library now offers access to more historical texts than ever before. >>

Star spotting at CERN

This June, two American celebrities (and physics enthusiasts!) came to CERN. >>

Official News

Staff meeting - Postponed  
Standing Concertation Committee - Meetings held on 6, 20 & 22 May 2008  
Pension Fund governing board  

Training and Development

CERN Technical Training: available Places in forthcoming Courses   
French courses for Beginners  
Collaborative tools and videoconferencing at CERN  
CERN Technical Training: available Places in forthcoming Courses   

General Information

Information for Stores users  
EURO2008 - practical information from the police  
CERN, AFS and PLUS credentials converge into a single credential pair