Université de Genève

Ecole de physique - Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire

24, quai Ernest-Ansermet

1211 GENÈVE 4

Tél: (022) 379 62 73 - Fax: (022) 379 69 92

Lundi 1er décembre 2008


at 17.00 hrs – Stückelberg Auditorium

Superconducting Interfaces between Insulating Oxide

Prof. Jean-Marc TRISCONE / Université de Genève

At interfaces between complex oxides, electronic systems with unusual properties can be generated. A striking example is the interface between LaAlO3 and SrTiO3, two good insulating perovskite oxides, which was found in 2004 to be conducting with a high mobility. We recently discovered that the ground state of this system is a superconducting condensate, with a critical temperature of about 200 mK. The characteristics observed for the superconducting transitions are consistent with a two-dimensional superconducting sheet as thin as a few nanometers. Recent field effect experiments revealed the sensitivity of the normal and superconducting states to the carrier density. In particular, the electric field allows the tuning of the critical temperature between 200 mK and 0 K, revealing a complex phase diagram and a superconductor to insulator transition. I will discuss the perspectives opened by this new field of research sometimes called "oxide interface engineering.

Information: http://dpnc.unige.ch/seminaire/annonce.html

Organizer : Prof. Markus Büttiker