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Mobilizing for the LHC

A follow-up report on the incident that occurred in LHC Sector 3-4 was published on 5 December. It confirms that the accelerator will be restarted in the summer of 2009. From now until then, the teams will be pulling out all the stops to repair the sector and enhance the operational safety of the machine. >>

A word from the DG: A unified Laboratory

I complete my five years at the helm of CERN at the end of December and would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the route we have travelled during that time and to express my best wishes to you for the future. >>

Robert Aymar receives one of the highest Finnish distinctions

On 9 December 2008 Robert Aymar, CERN Director-General, was awarded the decoration of Commander, first class, of the Order of the Lion of Finland by the President of the Republic of Finland. >>

A new home for LHC physicists

Work is about to start on a new extension to Building 40 to make extra space for 300 LHC scientists at CERN. >>

ALICE gives its first thesis awards

For the first time the ALICE collaboration has given two of its doctoral students awards for their outstanding theses. >>

CAS Introductory Course in Italy

The CERN Accelerator School’s introductory course is a great success. >>

Swisster – a news website for Anglophones

Employees of CERN can now sign up for a free account at, an English language website devoted to Swiss news and current affairs. >>

Ludwig Tauscher (1939-2008)

Dear Colleagues, It is with deep sorrow and regret that we inform you that our colleague and friend Ludwig Tauscher passed away on Sunday 23 November after a heart attack. >>

CERN Christmas card

Send a green Christmas card! You can download the CERN Christmas card image by clicking on this link. >>

Official News

End-of-year closure 2008/2009  
Pension Fund Governing Board  

Training and Development

Language Training - French Training   
CERN Technical Training: available Places in forthcoming Courses   
CERN Technical Training : Vista !  
Technical training: AXEL-2009 - Introduction to Particle Accelerators   

General Information

Communication to CHIS members - Attach proof of payment to your claims !   
Communication to CHIS members - Attach proof of payment to your claims !   
Reduced heating level during the end-of-year closure  
Note from the Radioactive Waste Section  
Car stickers for 2009  
Carlson Wagonlit Travel  
Note from the locks and key Service  
Glasses for Mali  
British passports  
LIFE: A Journey Through Time – THE BOOK  
bulletin Publication 2009  
Université de Genève