Be active - eat well! Two-wheels’ safety week.
The health campaign "Be active – eat well" was a resounding success. The campaign, which was held from 25 to 29 May 2009, was organised by the Medical Service jointly with the Restaurants Supervisory Committee, the CERN Management, the Staff Association and CHIS, with the active support of CERN’s restaurants.

The campaign had a big impact: the interaction was positive and enriching, there were exchanges with visitors of all ages (children, adults, pensioners), and there were plenty of good resolutions.
Highlights included Mme Dominique Gerber-Jullien using 20 placemats and dietary texts as browsing material for her French course for adults at CERN; a Scout official picking up documents for teaching purposes; the Novae-inspired idea of bringing an apple with you to work every day, in case you get a sudden snack craving; and the bicycle prize offered by DSR, won by Mr Karol Kruzelecki after making the closest guess of the number of farfalle in the pasta jar (there were 2348, and he guessed 2356).
Thanks to all those who helped us, not just from within CERN, in organising this campaign. Thanks to the volunteers who distributed the placemats and answered questions, and thanks to the restaurant staff, who made this popular health campaign possible!
Stay tuned for next year’s reminder campaign, which we hope will be just as inspiring and encouraging. Until then, remember to be active and eat healthy as often as possible—and don’t forget to have fun!
CERN's ‘two-wheels’ safety week
The CERN ‘two-wheels’ safety week took place between 8 and 12 June. The campaign was well received by the CERN personnel who took part in the numerous hands-on activities set up in the Main Building outside Restaurant 1. The campaign was organized by the Safety Commission (SC) in collaboration with the CERN Fire Brigade, the Cycling Club, the bicycle service, the Touring Club Suisse (TCS) and PlaneteVelo.
During the week nearly 250 participants took part, of which 96% were satisfied with the activities and learned from the campaign. Throughout the campaign prizes were given away - in total, 100 bicycle helmets, 50 motorbike training courses and 20 reflective waistcoats were offered to participants. The next campaign will follow soon.
Did you know?
According to a survey conducted last year, the CERN bicycle service is the largest of any organization or business in Switzerland. CERN has around 500 bicycles available for staff and users free of charge, subject to paying a deposit. The overheads of running the service and maintaining the bicycles are paid for by the money made from renting... the CERN cars. An extra incentive to get on your bike and ‘go green’!