Vaccination against seasonal influenza

As every year, the Medical Service is taking part in the campaign to promote vaccination against seasonal influenza.

Vaccination against seasonal influenza is especially recommended for people suffering from chronic lung, cardio-vascular or kidney conditions or diabetes, for those recovering from a serious illness or surgical operation and for everyone over the age of 65.

The influenza virus is transmitted by air and contact with contaminated surfaces, hence the importance of washing hands regularly with soap and / or disinfection using a hydro-alcoholic solution.

From the onset of symptoms (fever> 38°, chills, cough, muscle aches and / or joint pain, fatigue) you are strongly recommended to stay at home to avoid spreading the virus.

In the present context of the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic, it is important to dissociate these two illnesses and emphasise that the two viruses and the vaccines used to combat them are quite different and that protection against one will not provide protection against the other.

People working on the CERN site who wish to be vaccinated against seasonal flu may attend the CERN infirmary (Bldg 57, ground floor), bringing with them their dose of vaccine.

The Medical Service will make out a prescription on the day of the jab for the reimbursement claim through UNIQA.

The Medical Service will not administer vaccines to family members or pensioners, who should contact their usual doctor.

by DG Unit