

The way to collisions, step by step

While the LHC sectors cool down and reach the cryogenic operating temperature, spirits are warming up as we all eagerly await the first collisions. No reason to hurry, though. Making particles collide involves the complex manoeuvring of thousands of delicate components. The experts will make it happen using a step-by-step approach. >>

Setting new standards

ITER Director Kaname Ikeda continues the series of occasional exchanges between CERN and other laboratories world-wide. As part of this exchange, CERN Director-General Rolf Heuer wrote a message in ITER Newsline. >>

The Latest from the LHC: The LHC is cold!

On Thursday 8 October, sector 6-7 reached the cryogenic temperature of 1.9 K; it was followed, this week, by the last one, Sector 3-4, thus marking an important step towards the final commissioning of the machine. >>

The Latest from TOTEM

Since April 2009 the installation and commissioning of the TOTEM detectors have been continuing successfully. >>

The Latest from LHCf

At the end of September, the LHCf collaboration installed RadMon dosimeters inside the TAN absorbers containing the detectors. >>

CERN Public homepage takes its first step towards web 2.0

Some of you may have noticed a change of format on the CERN public homepage recently. The Bulletin catches up with Dan Noyes, CERN web content manager, to find out what is happening. >>

Refurbishment and extension of the terrace of Restaurant No.1

Work to refurbish and extend part of the terrace of Restaurant No.1 started in the first week of October and should last about two months. >>

Apprenticeships at CERN: a host of awards

This year again, two CERN apprentices have received awards at the end of their training. CERN’s broad range of technical skills means that it can provide training in a wide variety of trades and professions. >>

LHC? Of course we’ve heard of the LHC!

Well, more or less. After its first outing in Meyrin (see last Bulletin issue), our street poll hits the streets of Divonne-les-Bains and the corridors of the University of Geneva. While many have heard of the LHC, the raison d’être of this "scientific whatsit" often remains a mystery. >>

The LHC and the computing grid at the heart of ITU Telecom World 2009

ITU Telecom World 2009 took place at Geneva’s Palexpo, just down the road from CERN, from 5 to 9 October. This high-profile, internationally-renowned show organised by the ITU, the UN agency responsible for telecommunications, attracts visitors from both the public and private sectors sharing a common interest in information technologies and communication. 18,000 people passed through its gates in 2009. >>

ITU World Youth Forum visits CERN

About 250 students selected by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to participate in the 2009 Youth Forum made CERN a primary destination for this year’s World Youth Forum event. >>

CERN Press Office receives award from Euroscience

The CERN Communication group has received an award for its efforts in communicating the LHC first beam to the media and the public. James Gillies, head of the Communication group was presented the AlphaGalileo Research Public Relations Award on Wednesday, 14 October during the Euroscience Media Award Ceremony in Hannover. >>

The LHC taken with philosophy

"Whether or not scientists at the LHC will find the Higgs boson, they will learn something about the secrets of Nature that will greatly advance human understanding". These are the words of Anthony Grayling, Professor of Philosophy at Birkbeck College, University of London, and presenter of the forthcoming BBC series "Exchanges at the Frontier". He visited CERN to prepare for his next interview with Jim Virdee, CMS Spokesperson. >>

Denis Guedj at CERN

Denis Guedj (right), pictured with Etiennette Auffray Hillemanns of the CMS collaboration and Hartmut Hillemanns of the DG-KTT group. >>

The future of neutrino physics

On 1-3 October, CERN held the first workshop to discuss the strategy that Europe should follow in the field of neutrino physics. Many members of the neutrino physics community from all over the world participated in the workshop, demonstrating the vitality and interest of this research field. >>

Literature in Focus L’étang - Mathilde Fontanet

"The Pond" (L’étang), one of the eleven short stories that lends its name to the collection, is the tale of a forty-something woman who, alone and scared on a twenty-four-hour trip to the wilds of Yorkshire, makes a disturbing discovery along a meandering woodland pathway. >>

Official News

Reminder - Extension/suppression of allowance for dependent children aged 20 to 25  

Training and Development

CERN Technical Training: available Places in forthcoming Courses   
CERN Technical Training: available Places in forthcoming Courses   

General Information

Ergonomics Course  
Works notice  
CERN Housing Service – New website  
Vaccination against seasonal influenza  
Preparation for Retirement Seminar  
Blood donation  
Geneva University