Social Insecurity

No, this is not the title of the latest horror film to appear on our screens, only a reflection of the very tense situation in which we find our two social mainstays: the health insurance scheme and pension fund.

If both are in deficit today, this is not due to a lack of timely warning. For several years, the Member States have been asked to make decisions. However, with the exception of a few small measures, they continually delay the moment when they will truly have to face up to their obligations.

We remind you that CERN is not only our employer, but also our State. When we join the Organization, we leave our national systems. CERN Council has supreme power to decide on the level of our salaries and of our social security. As far as the latter is concerned, the fact that the share of contributions is fixed at 1/3 for the staff and 2/3 for the Organization has often been the reason for much procrastination by Council.

This waiting game could soon be over though, as this year will see the conclusions of the five-yearly review of our employment conditions, the effects of which will be felt over the period 2011-2015. And rumour has it that the Member States intend to act this time. But watch out for a rude awakening.

Watch out though, because the news from the outside world is far from reassuring. The economic crisis which has hit our countries puts a cloud over the forthcoming discussions. We are already hearing about various measures taken at ESA (European Space Agency) and at EPO (European Patent Office) in the area of pensions: crisis measures. And a recent judgement* from the ILOAT concerning EUTELSAT (European Telecommunications Satellite Organization) turned out to be a stab in the back of international civil servants as far as the guarantee of their pensions is concerned.

At the Staff Association, we are looking forward to finding out which proposals CERN Council will put forward, in the hope that they will be reasonable and, later on, the subject of a concertation process carried out in good faith and in accordance with the established rules. This is important, since the three-way dialogue at TREF and the concertation process at SCC are exclusive to CERN. In other Organizations, consultation is the rule. And why may that be?

Because our former colleagues obtained these rights and this respect by standing their ground in the face of the excessive demands of Council at that time. Demonstrations, strikes, sit-ins … the list of actions is long, but they paid off. Since then we have at least been able to discuss directly with our decision-makers, present our arguments ourselves, without necessarily having to go through the Management, like before.

This is what we intend to do in the coming months. But let us make it quite clear: we will defend our social security with determination if the attacks on it are too viscious. And if we consider the current social climate, they may well be. Do nothing for a long time and then discover a deficit, make a huge fuss about it, and hit hard are very fashionable tactics in these difficult times. Yes, we are in a crisis, and yes, we have to play our part in restoring the balance of our health insurance and pension schemes, but watch out for excesses which could be harmful to social peace.

We will maybe know more on 17 and 18 March, the dates of the CERN Finance Committee and Council meetings. In the meantime, we will remain vigilant and will be sure to keep you informed, or even invite you to join us if the situation so requires. After all, it is our current and future level of well-being and that of our families that is at stake, let us not forget this.

* This very worrying judgement will be the subject of our next article, as we are the first concerned by this decision.

by Association du personnel