Users page feedback

In October last year the Communication Group proposed an interim redesign of the users’ web pages in order to improve the visibility of key news items, events and announcements to the CERN community.

The proposed update to the users' page (right), and the current version (left, behind)
This proposed redesign was seen as a small step on the way to much wider reforms of the CERN web landscape proposed in the group’s web communication plan.  

The results are available here. Some of the key points:

- the balance between news / events / announcements and access to links on the users’ pages was not right - many people asked to see a reversal of the order so that links appeared first, news/events/announcements last;
- many people felt that we should keep the primary function of the users’ pages as an index to other CERN websites;
- many people found the sections of the front page to be poorly delineated;
- people do not like scrolling;
- there were performance issues with SLC4 and SLC5;
- the search function needs to be improved.

We will take note of the feedback gathered through this process in the upcoming major redesign of the public and users' websites.

Thank you to everyone who replied to the survey.