CERN Women's club

The Welcome Center

The Welcome Center website for CERN newcomers – and everyone else at CERN – has celebrated its first anniversary in operation. It began as a project to organize all the various information available at CERN into an easy to use site, with advice to help you make the most of your time here. It continues to be updated as new information becomes available.

Lori Hakulinen and her helpers offer to meet with anyone who has questions. They can advise you on weekend activities, local restaurants and where to buy hard to find items or some of your favorite things from home, in addition to all of the practicalities you need to know, such as how to find housing or have a telephone installed, where to take language classes and much, much more.
It’s all listed at:

In general, meetings take place the first and third Thursdays in the month at Restaurant No. 1 in the Children’s Dining Room. (Please consult the Homepage for schedules around holiday times.) Doors are open from 10:00 to 11:30.

Hope to meet you soon.



by CERN Women's club