
Although raw physics data is produced at CERN, thanks to the GRID its analysis is performed in various institutes worldwide. In addition, workshops, conferences and meetings take place all over the world. The physicist community is decentralized, and CERN must continue to provide intellectual leadership. The LHC Physics Centre is the tool that will make this possible.

The first time I addressed the CERN community as Director-General in January 2009, I said that I wished to see the intellectual life of the Laboratory develop. With the experiments rapidly accumulating data, now is the time for that to happen.

Over the past 2 weeks, commissioning of the machine protection system has advanced significantly, opening up the possibility of higher intensity collisions at 3.5 TeV. The intensity has been increased from 2 bunches of 1010 protons to 6 bunches of 2x1010 protons. Luminosities of 6x1028 cm-2s-1 have been achieved at the start of fills, a factor of 60 higher than those provided for the first collisions on 30 March.
Assembly of the first radiofrequency quadrupole (RFQ) module for the future LINAC4 linear accelerator has just been completed by CERN's Assembly and Forming section (EN) using a technique called vacuum brazing which involves furnace-baking at 800°C and micron precision, leaving absolutely nothing to chance.
At the beginning of May, the new power system of the PS (POPS) got its official send-off. Built around an array of static power converters, POPS is undergoing testing while waiting to be connected to the accelerator.
Newly recruited staff members and fellows are welcomed to CERN via the Induction Programme. Run by the Human Resources Department since 1996, it has recently been redesigned to adapt to the needs of the new arrivals. The new version will be officially launched in the Globe on 1st June.
10 November 1972: CERN’s Bent Stumpe places an order for 12 bowling balls for a total cost of 95 US dollars. Although not evident at first sight, he is buying the heart of some of the first tracking devices to be used in the SPS control room. Today, Bent Stumpe’s device would be called a desktop mouse…
Following the successful space qualification tests at the ESA Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk in the Netherlands, AMS is now back in the integration hall at CERN Prévessin. The collaboration is replacing the superconducting magnet with a permanent (non-superconducting) one, which will ensure reliable operation of the experiment for the recently planned longer run on board the International Space Station (ISS).
The first African School of Physics ( ASP2010), a new physics school that will combine scientific learning and technology transfer, is to be organized in South Africa with the support of various institutes and laboratories from Europe and the US. Christine Darve, the head organizer and an accelerator engineer from Fermilab currently working in CERN's Technology Department, provides some insight into the programme's mission.
For the first time the new CERN travelling exhibition has gone abroad. The venue is Torino, in Italy, where it is being shown at the Museum of Natural Science in the framework of the activities of the EuroScience Open Forum ( ESOF 2010). Soon after the event, the exhibition will fly to Copenhagen.
You may have seen them around the CERN site – cameramen, reporters and presenters roaming around hallways and cafeterias, interviewing people and doing their best to tell the world about the Large Hadron Collider.
The CERN Student Club (CSC) is the official club for the community of young people at CERN. In addition to organizing regular activities for its members, the club serves as a platform for young people to come together and meet people from other backgrounds. On 11 and 12 April, the network for young people from the European Space Agency (YoungESA) organized an excursion to CERN, in which more than 30 young researchers participated. The CERN Student Club was happy to host several activities for the members of the two communities.
Photos taken yesterday by Maximilien Brice and Mike Struik. The whole collection will soon be available on CDS ...
We’ve suspected it for a long time, but now it’s official. The meaning of life, the Universe and everything is to be found at CERN, under construction at the western end of the Meyrin site. When it’s complete, Building 42 may not go so far as providing the answer to the ultimate question, but its denizens will be well equipped to give humankind a steer in the right direction.
You may remember noticing a pop-up Big Bang on your way to Restaurant No. 1 last November, as part of the Library’s book fair. This was just one page from a rather original project to make a pop-up book about particle physics. The book – Voyage to the Heart of Matter, the ATLAS experiment at CERN - will be launched in the USA and Canada, in a new silver edition.
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Congratulations to all the CERN participants in the Geneva marathon and half-marathon who ran on Sunday 9 May. CERN performed exceptionally well in the inter-enterprise category, collecting the 1st and 2nd places in the Marathon competition, and 2nd place in the half-marathon competition.
Bulgarian students participating in the "From Galileo to CERN" educational programme.
Dr Hamadoun Touré, ITU Secretary-General, and Professor Rolf-Dieter Heuer, CERN Director General, sign a Memorandum of Understanding at the ITU Headquarters.(Photo ITU)
The Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna) deeply regrets to announce that Academician Alexei Norairovich Sissakian, the Director of JINR, a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a distinguished theoretical physicist and organizer of scientific research based on broad international cooperation, passed away on 1 May 2010 in his 66th year of life.