News from the Library
The LHC Library to be merged with the Central Library.
In the past, there have been at CERN up to 6 satellite libraries; they were essential at a time when information was only in paper form and having multiple copies of documents located in several places at CERN was useful to facilitate scientific research. Today, this need is less critical as most of our resources are online. That is why, following a SIPB (Scientific Information Policy Board) decision, the collections of the LHC Library will be merged this summer with the Central collection. This reorganization and centralization of resources will improve loan services. The SPS library, located on the Prévessin site remains open.
However, although the number of satellite libraries is decreasing, Central
Library still has a promising future. It is visited by many users,
night and day and all year long, and visits increase significantly
during summer. So even if the Library is becoming more virtual, it remains a keyphysical space for research at CERN.
If you have suggestions for improving Library services or new acquisitions for the collections, please contact
by CERN Library