

Lyn Evans decelerates!

After more than 40 years at CERN, 15 of which were dedicated to ensuring that the LHC comes to completion, Lyn Evans is retiring. The Imperial College Professor and recently-elected Fellow of the British Royal Society has set himself new challenges, but plans to keep strong links with CERN. His big thank you goes to the many hundreds of people who built one of the most complex scientific instruments ever conceived by mankind. >>

Security needs you

Academic freedom is a valuable thing, but like any kind of freedom, it comes with responsibility. >>

New computer security campaign

A new campaign is taking shape to promote computer security. The slogan “SEC_RITY is not complete without U!” reminds users of the importance of their contribution. The campaign kicks off on 10 June with a public awareness day in the Council Chamber. >>

A better beam quality

Progress has been made on two fronts, providing physics data and preparing for higher intensities. >>

Uniting forces in physics and medicine

Following the very successful ‘Physics for Health’ workshop held at CERN on 2-4 February this year, a strategy document has recently been issued. It outlines the main issues discussed at the workshop and indicates the most promising avenues in the field of medical applications derived from physics. >>

Neutrino oscillations make their first appearance in OPERA

1400 metres underground in the INFN Gran Sasso Laboratory, the Opera experiment has just observed its first candidate for neutrino oscillation – the phenomenon that confirms that neutrinos have mass. It is the first time that an experiment has observed the direct appearance of the new type of neutrinos produced in the oscillation. Opera uses a dedicated beam produced at CERN’s Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). >>

It sounds good!

Both the atmosphere and we ourselves are hit by hundreds of particles every second and yet nobody has ever heard a sound coming from these processes. Like cosmic rays, particles interacting inside the detectors at the LHC do not make any noise…unless you've decided to use the ‘sonification’ technique, in which case you might even hear the Higgs boson sound like music. >>

“Draw me a physicist” exhibition opens

From 12 to 23 June, the Globe of Science and Innovation will be hosting the “Draw me a physicist” exhibition: over 160 drawings and definitions that illustrate how children see the world of research. >>

Council Chamber exhibition

To complete the revamp of CERN’s Council Chamber, a new exhibition is being installed just in time for the June Council meetings. >>

Irène Jacob visits CERN

French actress Irène Jacob, the daughter of physicist Maurice Jacob, visited the ATLAS and CMS control rooms on Monday 17 May together with Italian theatre actor-director Pippo Delbono, in search of inspiration for a short film. The film will be screened at the “nuit des particules” event accompanying this year’s ICHEP. >>

News from the Library

The LHC Library to be merged with the Central Library. >>

Back to the 80s

The fitness club is organizing a “Back to the 80s Party” in aid of the Haiti earthquake appeal on Saturday 26.06.2010 in the Pump Room. >>

Printable colour version now available for download

Click here and enjoy it!... >>

Official News

Modifications to the Rules of the CERN Health Insurance Scheme  

Training and Development

Office software Individual coaching  

General Information

Blood donation campaign  
Conference for CERN pensioners  
France at CERN  

Staff Association

Pensions: what’s new in June?  
Music Club  
Learning Classical Music Club  
Club d’orientation  
CERN Cricket Club  
Yachting Club  
Music on the Lawn 2010